
SPIN – Małopolska Knowledge Transfer Centers support entrepreneurs

Experts in the Knowledge Transfer Centers, specialized in various fields, await entrepreneurs. All you need to do is select the topic you want support for and then contact the SPIN Contact Point.

Implementation period:

2024 – 2026


The Krakow University of Technology – The Małopolska Energy-Saving Construction Center

The AGH University of Science and Technology – The Faculty of Management

The University of Agriculture in Krakow - The Center for Innovation and Research in Pro-Health and Safe Food

The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Do you run a micro, small, medium or large company based in Małopolska (do you have a branch or office)? Do you want to develop your company, are you looking for innovative solutions to improve your company’s market situation and gain competitive advantage? Do you have a clearly defined goal for the development of your company, but you do not know how to achieve it? Or maybe you lack specific ideas but not the courage to surprise the market with new products? Take advantage of the services of the Knowledge Transfer Centers operating as part of the SPIN project.




Experts in the Knowledge Transfer Centers, specialized in various fields, await entrepreneurs. All you need to do is select the topic in which you want to receive support, and then contact the SPIN Contact Point for Entrepreneurs (at the Marshal Office of the Małopolska Region) or a Knowledge Transfer Center of your choice. Services for Małopolska entrepreneurs are provided under de minimis aid, which means that you pay just VAT: 23% of the service value.

Areas in which you can cooperate with the Knowledge Transfer Centers as part of the SPIN project include:

  • Life science
  • Sustainable energy
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Chemistry
  • Creative and leisure industries
  • Production of metals


Investment-Friendly Municipality




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