Linia produkcyjna


Małopolska is one of the leading Polish regions in terms of economic potential and investment attractiveness. It is a space offering a wide range of opportunities for a modern economy based on innovation and sustainable development.

In Małopolska:

  • The region’s GDP is PLN 189,295 million, which constitutes 8.1% of the country’s GDP – 5th place among Polish regions in terms of contribution to the national GDP (2020)
  • The value of GDP per capita is PLN 55.4 thousand (2020)
  • The 7 Smart Regional Specializations have the greatest share in generating the region’s GDP: life science, renewable energy, ICT, chemistry, production of metals and metal products, electrical engineering and machinery industry, creative and leisure industries
  • There are 2 million people in working age, which is almost 60% of the total population (2023)
  • The capital of the region, Krakow, is a national leader in the modern business services industry: over 92,000 people work in 261 service centers, which is 23% of those employed in this sector throughout Poland
  • There are 436 thousand business entities (2022), which is 9.3% of the country’s total, with an increase by 4% from 2021.
  • The most important export sectors are the electromechanical, automotive and chemical industries.
  • The main foreign trade partners are Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Italy, France and the UK.
  • Exports of goods and services amount to over EUR 12.5 billion (2021), an increase by EUR 2.5 billion compared to 2020, the 6th place in Poland.
  • Imports of goods and services amount to EUR 13.6 billion (2021), an increase by EUR 3.6 billion compared to 2020, again number 6.
  • There are 4.8 thousand exporting companies (2021), 21% more than in 2020, 4th
  • There are 5.8 thousand importing companies (2021), no. 4.
  • A high national ranking of entities selling online – 2.6% of the total exports.
  • The highest average share of innovative enterprises in the total number of enterprises – 37.9% (2020)
  • The second region in Poland in terms of expenditure on R&D – above 2% of the GDP.




Business friendly


Smart specializations


Modern business services


Cooperation networks


The biggest investments




Quality of life


European Entrepreneurial Region


Geographical location and communication




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