Granty rządowe

Government grants

Will your investment have a significant impact on the economy on a national scale? Take advantage of government grants available for investments in both production and modern business services.

Government grants are offered under the “Program for the support of investments of significant importance for the economy for the years 2011-2030”. They are dedicated to new investments in priority production sectors (automotive, biotechnology, electronics and household appliances, aeronautics, agri-food), modern business services sector and R&D activities.

The program provides support for initial investments in two categories:

  • Costs of creating new jobs (employment grant)
  • New investment costs (investment grant)

Grants can be obtained by companies implementing new investment projects such as:

  • Establishment of a new plant
  • Production capacity increase
  • Introduction of new products
  • Production process change
  • Acquisition of assets belonging to a plant that has been closed

Support is provided in the form of a subsidy based on an agreement concluded between the minister responsible for economy and the investor. The agreement defines the terms of payment of the subsidy in proportion to the degree of fulfillment of the investor’s obligations.

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency is responsible for preparing investment project dossiers.

Learn more about government grants


Cooperation with local governments


Support from the Business in Małopolska Center


Tax relief


Investment areas


Office space offer


Polish Investment Zone


European funds




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