Accessibility Declaration
Introduction to the Declaration
Marshal's Office of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to the Business in Małopolska website
Website publication date: 2023-09-15.
Date of last significant update: 2025-03-10.
The website is partiallycompliant with the Act of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.
- Not all publications on the website are accessible to people with disabilities.
The statement was prepared on 2023-09-15
Date of last review and update 2025-03-10
The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by a public entity.
Feedback and contact details
If you have any problems with website accessibility, please contact us:
Marek Pietras - Digital accessibility coordinator at the Office:
E-mail adress:
Telephone: 12 63 03 502
Mobile phone: 516 676 510 (SMS).
Attention! Applications for access to unavailable information and requests to ensure digital accessibility can be submitted in the same way.
We kindly inform you that in accordance with the Act of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, everyone has the right to request a public entity to provide digital access to a given website, mobile application or their elements, or to provide alternative access, under the conditions specified in the Act. In case of refusal, the person making the request may submit a complaint pursuant to the provisions of the Act of June 14, 1960, Code of Administrative Procedure, and also notify the Ombudsman:
Architectural accessibility:
List of locations/buildings used by the Office: :
- Racławicka street 56 building A
- Racławicka street 56 building B
- Basztowa street 22
- Zacisze street 5
- Zacisze street 7
- Królewska street 57
- ul. Wielicka 72 building A
- ul. Wielicka 72 building B
- Radziwiłłowska street 1
The remaining:
- Local agenda in Tarnów, al. Solidarności 5-9
- Local agenda in Nowy Sącz, ul. Jagiellońska 52
- Local agenda in Oświęcim, ul. Górnickiego 1
- Local agenda in Nowy Targ, al. 1000th anniversary 44
- Local agenda in Miechów, ul. Warszawska 10
- Local agenda in Zakopane, ul. Kościeliska 7
- Local Information Point of European Funds in Tarnów, al. Solidarności 5-9
- Local Information Point of European Funds in Nowy Sącz, ul. Wazów 3
- Local Information Point of European Funds in Nowy Targ, al. 1000th anniversary 44
- Local agenda in Sucha Beskidzka, ul. J. Piłsudskiego 23
Characteristics of individual buildings taking into account the minimum requirements for architectural accessibility in accordance with art. 6 of the Act of July 19, 2019 on ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs is posted on the website of the Public Information Bulletin (BIP) of the Office.
There is an external office in each of the Office's locations information board. In addition, there are buildings inside information boards with floor and room numbersoccupied by the Office. In multi-story buildings, similar information is provided in passenger elevators. In most locations, it is located on the ground floorcustomer service point and/or concierge desk, whose employees provide information onlayout of rooms in the building. Voice information is also included in the description architectural accessibility of buildings posted on the Office's BIP website.
The office provides access to the buildings to persons using assistance dog.
When an evacuation is announced in buildings, the Sound Warning System (VS) and sound or alarm signals are activated, depending on the location. In other locations, loudspeakers and voice messages are used to signal alarms.
In all Office locations, the evacuation of people with special needs is based on support provided by functionaries designated for evacuation in each location/on each floor of the building.
W lokalizacjach w Krakowie przy ul. Racławickiej 56, ul. Basztowej 22, ul. Radziwiłłowskiej 1, ul. Wielickiej 72 oraz w Nowym Sączu przy ul. Jagiellońskiej 52 i w Tarnowie przy al. Solidarności 5-9 znajdują się dodatkowo krzesła do ewakuacji osób ze szczególnymi potrzebami.
Information and communication accessibility
The office provides the servicesign language interpreter available from the website A client using this form of communication can independently make a remote connection to an interpreter or use this service at the Office's headquarters, wherever there are appropriately equipped workstations - a computer with a camera, access to the Internet, a microphone/speaker. The service is available in all Office locations. The sign of the sign language interpreter service - a pictogram of flashing hands - is placed at customer service points and at secretariats in locations that do not have separate service areas.
Communication support for hearing-impaired people includes induction loops located in the following locations: :
- at ul. Wielicka 72 (building B) - Main Information Point of European Funds and conference room no. 106,
- at ul. Racławicka 56 (building B) – customer service point (ground floor) and the Małopolska Voivodeship Assembly hall (seventh floor)
- at ul. Basztowa 22 – customer service point (ground floor),
- at Local European Funds Points - customer service desks.
It is available on the Office's website informacja o scope of the Office's activities in Polish Sign Language and a file containing the same machine-readable text.
It is available on the Office's website information on the scope of the Office's activities in an easy-to-read and understand text (ETR).
At the request of a person with special needs, the Office provides services in the form specified in the request.
In the case of a request for service to a customer with special needs in a room located directly at the entrance to the Office building, the employee providing the service comes to the customer. A request for this type of service can be submitted through the reception desk or by phone 12 630 33 33 or via
Accessibility Coordinators at the Marshal's Office:
Marta Zając - coordinator for architectural and information and communication accessibility
Telephone: 12 63 03 250
E-mail adress:
Marek Pietras - digital accessibility coordinator
Telephone:12 63 03 502
516 676 510 (SMS)
E-mail adress: