Osoby omawiające projekt

Power up your Business in Małopolska 3

The project was addressed to entrepreneurs from the SME sector in Małopolska, interested in exporting their products and services to foreign markets, strengthening competitiveness of their enterprises, developing innovations and investing in our region.

Implementation period:

September 2020 – October 2023

Project Leader:

Małopolska Regional Development Agency

Financing source:

Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Measure 3.3.

The project is addressed to Małopolska entrepreneurs from the SME sector, interested in exporting their products and services to foreign markets, strengthening competitiveness of their enterprises, developing innovations and investing in our region.

Supporting the export activities of Małopolska entrepreneurs, including them in the activities of the European Avant-garde Initiative and professional economic promotion focused on key industries of the Małopolska Region were the main goals of the “Power up Your Business in Małopolska 3” project implemented by the Małopolska Regional Development Agency.

The project was addressed to entrepreneurs from Małopolska, representing the SME sector.

1.  Trade fair events – we invited you to participate in international trade fair events:

What did we offer at each fair?

  • Professionally built exhibition area (approx. 30 m2)
  • B2B zone for meetings and conversations
  • Opportunities for promotion on the stand’s LCD screen
  • Support in finding partners for commercial negotiations
  • Entry tickets to fairs for company representatives


What fairs?

We invited you to participate in international trade fair events.

2. Economic missions of importers in Małopolska – we invited you to participate in business meetings as part of incoming economic missions.

What did we offer during economic missions?

  • B2B meetings in Krakow and Małopolska
  • Assistance in establishing business contacts and defining an industry profile
  • Establishment of direct relations with economic institutions of the region

3. Malopolska Exporter's Club - we invited Malopolska entrepreneurs to participate in the
in the activities of the Club, which aimed to prepare Małopolska SMEs for expansion into international markets.

What did we offer as part of the Club?

  • Knowledge transfer
  • Integration of the environment of Małopolska exporters
  • Skills and good practices in the field of internationalization, innovation and scientific cooperation
  • 12 training workshops throughout the Małopolska Region (exchange of experiences, undertaking joint export initiatives)

4. Participation in the European Avant-garde Initiative – we invited Małopolska producers to participate in the work of the Avant-garde Initiative.

What did we offer as part of the Avant-garde Initiative?

  • Building of cooperative links to create innovative solutions in the field of products and production technologies
  • Gaining professional knowledge and reducing resource consumption
  • A series of workshops and working meetings
  • Participation in the Avant-garde Initiative’s events and conferences

More information: www.powerup3.pl

Contact: www.powerup3.pl/kontakt


Power up your Business in Małopolska 2


Startup Małopolska – support for entrepreneurship in the region


Standards of investor service in Małopolska


Innovative Małopolska


Promotion of the Małopolska Export Offer on the international scene


Power up your Business in Małopolska


Business in Małopolska – Support and development for your company


Invest in Małopolska


Business in Małopolska


Business in Małopolska – Investment in the Future




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